What Are the Prerequisites for Nursing? FAQs and Answers

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What are the prerequisites for nursing and how many are needed? Prerequisites are courses you must take before enrolling in an accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing program. The number of classes required for nursing school depends on the program and your prior college credits.

woman on laptop takes notes

Nursing schools are generally selective about their admission decisions and with good reason. They need to know that their students can keep up with the rigorous nursing coursework and labs. One way to set your application apart and increase your chances of admission is to do well in your nursing prerequisites.

Prerequisites are a topic that often spark questions. You may be wondering, for example, “What are the prerequisites for nursing, exactly? And where can I take prerequisite courses for nursing?”

Let’s examine some commonly asked questions about prerequisites for nursing at Northeastern University’s Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN) program.

What Are the Prerequisites for Nursing and Why Do They Matter?

Prerequisite courses are classes that applicants must complete and pass before moving on to the next course. For example, you’ll have to complete English 101 before moving on to English 309. In the nursing world, prerequisites must be completed before enrolling in an accelerated BSN program.

An ABSN program is an accelerated course of study leading to a BSN degree. While BSN programs are traditionally four-year programs, ABSN programs allow students to graduate with a BSN on an accelerated timeline. At Northeastern, our ABSN students can earn their BSN in as few as 16 months.

To earn a BSN through an ABSN, you must enter the program with foundational science and math skills. Because of the shortened timeline, the ABSN curriculum focuses primarily on nursing education and does not include general education courses. Completing the prerequisite classes required for nursing helps prepare you to tackle the rigorous nursing coursework and graduate faster than through a traditional BSN program.

nurse holding clipboard

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Are Prerequisites Mandatory?

Yes, prerequisites are mandatory. Your prior college credits might fulfill certain requirements. For instance, if you completed a chemistry class, it might count toward the chemistry prerequisite, so you would not need to retake the course.

Many prospective students think they can complete Northeastern's nursing prerequisites while enrolled in the ABSN program, but that’s not the case.

However, you may apply to the program with your final two prerequisites in progress, provided you successfully complete these courses two weeks prior to the program start date.

How Many Prerequisites Are Needed for Nursing at Northeastern?

Now that you know these classes are mandatory, how many prerequisites are needed for nursing? It differs from one school to the next, but Northeastern requires students to complete eight prerequisites as part of the admissions process.

Northeastern’s prerequisite requirements include:

Microbiology with Lab4
Human Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab4
Human Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab4
Introduction to Chemistry with Lab4
Statistics (inferential stats and hypothesis testing)3
Social/Behavioral Sciences (any 100 level or above)3
Developmental Psychology (Lifespan)3

If you have not completed a non-nursing bachelor’s degree and instead are transferring to the ABSN program with at least 62 college credits, then you need to complete additional prerequisites in sociology, math, psychology, college composition and an elective.

You might have already completed some college credits that meet these requirements. When you talk to an admissions counselor, you should have a copy of your unofficial transcripts on hand to help determine which prerequisites you still need.

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Is There a Minimum Grade Required?

To be eligible for the ABSN program at Northeastern, you must earn a grade of “C” or higher in all eight of the classes required for nursing school. While you may have already completed some of the science-based prerequisites as an undergraduate, you must have done so within the past 10 years; otherwise, they are considered expired.

“It’s important to do well in your prerequisite courses because they prepare you to hit the ground running on your first day of accelerated nursing school,” says Heather Hudson, admissions counselor at Northeastern University.

Where Can I Take Prerequisite Courses for Nursing?

While you can complete your ABSN prerequisites through Northeastern, we also accept course credits from other accredited colleges and universities. Before registering for prerequisites at another institution, however, your admissions counselor will vet the courses offered by other schools to ensure the credits are transferrable.

“If you’re taking your prerequisites somewhere other than Northeastern, be sure to go over the course descriptions with your assigned counselor,” says Danielle Noonan, admissions counselor at Northeastern University. “While some course codes may look applicable, they might not cover all of the content we require. The University of Massachusetts, for example, offers a developmental psychology course, but it doesn’t cover the lifespan element that Northeastern requires.”

Your admissions counselor can also provide you with a list of institutions that offer relevant nursing prerequisites, which includes schools with online course options.

nursing student taking notes

Are Alternatives to Prerequisites Accepted?

While some schools allow you to test out of certain prerequisites, our ABSN program does not accept credit by examination. We also do not honor alternate certifications or work experience in place of the nursing prerequisites. We want every student to enter the program on a level playing field.

Furthermore, because nursing is a science-based profession, among other things, it is important to possess a strong foundation in the sciences to enhance your success in the ABSN program. Additionally, students who have been out of the college environment for a while can utilize these prerequisites to ease back into student mode.

Does Nursing Require Math?

Another common question applicants have is, “Does nursing require math?” Yes, in practice, nurses must perform basic mathematical calculations involving arithmetic, percentages, ratios and so on. Because of this, nursing school requires applicants to demonstrate basic proficiency in math.

At Northeastern, you must complete a prerequisite course in statistics to be eligible for enrollment. There are not any math-specific courses in the nursing school curriculum. However, you will perform various calculations throughout the coursework, labs and clinicals.

Do You Need Chemistry for Nursing?

Do you need chemistry for nursing in addition to math? Absolutely. Many complex processes take place in the body at the cellular level, requiring nurses to have basic knowledge of chemistry to understand these processes. You need to know about the structures and properties of molecules and biological substances, among other chemistry-related competencies.

Northeastern nursing writing on whiteboard

Aside from chemistry, you also need a basic foundation in other natural sciences, such as microbiology and human anatomy, and social sciences, like sociology.

Your past education helps determine the number of ABSN prerequisites you must complete. If you have a biology degree, for example, there’s a good chance you already meet most, if not all, of the prerequisite requirements for science. On the other hand, if your degree is in marketing, you likely need to complete all the science-related prerequisites.

If you are the latter, it is best not to overload your schedule with too many science prerequisites at once. These courses can initially be challenging for someone who does not have a science background.

“A solid understanding of the sciences leads to greater success in nursing school,” says Noonan. “If you can handle the science prerequisites, particularly Anatomy & Physiology I and II, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to handle the rigors of our accelerated nursing program.”

You will find that these prerequisites not only lay the foundation for your success in our ABSN program, but also serve as an essential part of your overall preparation as a nurse.

Pursue Your Nursing Degree at Northeastern

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Although navigating the classes required for nursing might seem challenging, you can rely on the personalized help and guidance of your dedicated admissions counselors at Northeastern.

Once enrolled, you will benefit from our small class sizes and the support from our dedicated faculty. Here, it is our mission to help you succeed and graduate in as few as 16 months, so we provide extensive student support resources.

Contact an admissions counselor today to learn more about our ABSN program and determine whether it’s the right fit for you.

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Our ABSN program guide includes everything you need to know about the accelerated path to nursing.

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