ABSN Curriculum

Spanning four semesters, our 16-month accelerated nursing program requires you to complete 67 credit hours (71 credit hours if you are a transfer student), including online courses led by our esteemed School of Nursing professors, hands-on learning at our high-tech nursing site and clinical practice at premier local health care facilities.

smiling NEU ABSN student studying

Because our ABSN curriculum is based on a blended learning model, you can expect to graduate with a strong academic foundation and the clinical preparedness required to take the NCLEX-RN.

The program’s online courses provide exposure to cultural diversity, nursing informatics, and evidence-based practice so you can perform effectively in today’s dynamic healthcare environments.

Clinical experiences cover the following areas:

  • Adult Health
  • Obstetrics and Women’s Health
  • Pediatrics
  • Mental and Behavioral Health
  • Acute and Critical Care
  • Public Health
  • Health Management and Leadership

In keeping with our commitment to experiential learning, these immersive clinical rotations prepare you to put ideas into action and grow as an innovative problem solver — through work, research, study and service.

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ABSN Curriculum by Semester

NRSG 2001Foundations of Professional Nursing Practice2
NRSG 2220Nursing Health Assessment and Fundamental Nursing Skills3
NRSG 2221Lab for NRSG 22201
NRSG 2350Integrated Pathophysiology and Pharmaceutical Interventions for Nursing Practice6
NRSG 3302Nursing with Women & Families3
NRSG 3303Clinical for NRSG 33022
Total Credit Hours*17
NRSG 2210Influences on Health and Illness: A Nursing Perspective3
NRSG 3320Nursing Care of Adults4
NRSG 3321Clinical for NRSG 33202
NRSG 3400Nursing and the Promotion of Mental Health3
NRSG 3401Clinical for NRSG 34002
NRSG 3323Advanced Assessment and Interventions1
NRSG 3324Lab for NRSG 33231
Total Credit Hours*16
NRSG 3420Nursing Care of Adults 24
NRSG 3421Clinical for NRSG 34202
NRSG 4502Nursing Care of the Child4
NRSG 4503Clinical for NRSG 45022
NRSG 5220Introduction to Research Methods and Applications for Healthcare4
Total Credit Hours16
NRSG 4995Comprehensive Nursing Practicum2
NRSG 4996Clinical for NRSG 49953
NRSG 4604Public Health Community Nursing3
NRSG 4605Clinical for NRSG 46042
NRSG 2150Ethical Healthcare Integrating Genetics and Genomics4
NRSG 4610Managing and Leading in Nursing4
Total Credit Hours18

*Students with 62+ credits completing the program will take ENGW 3306 - Advanced Writing in Health Professions during their second semester.

three Northeastern nursing students in sim lab

Are You Ready to Take the Next Step?

Contact our admissions team today to learn more about our ABSN curriculum.