Northeastern nursing students react to Boston tragedy
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It’s been a scary week here in Boston. As I reflect on the last few days, though, it’s not the fear that stands out to me; it’s pride. Pride in the students we serve and pride in the line of work we’re preparing them to do. Those of us at the Burlington site are grateful that we were able to contact all of our students and ensure their safety within hours of Monday’s events, and we have a great sense of pride knowing that Northeastern nursing students who were in close proximity to the attack ran toward those in need and offered assistance to first responders. That is the calling of a nurse – to help people in trouble, to offer comfort and reassurance, to help someone feel less alone.
On behalf of the Burlington team at Northeastern, I would like to extend our sincere thanks and gratitude to all who have offered us assistance. I would also like to say how proud I am of those students who put other people’s health and safety above their own. We are proud to call you – all of you – Northeastern nursing students.
Patricia Grueter